issue with {}

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I'm writing to describe an issue which, even if small, is a real pain in the … for me.
I'm not able to write the graph parentheses “{ }” anywhere in the HD interface. Ofc I can do that anywhere else in win7 (64b) I'm currently using.
Nor shift+altgr+è (qwerty italian keyboard) nor ctrl+shift+alt+è work (alt+123) neither).
Anyone else experiencing the same?
What to do?
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uhm…38 views and no reply.
Maybe no one else is meeeting this problem?
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Change to us international keys during your houdini session?
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Had this as well. For me it's the default Windows7 keyboard. I set my country to Canada and low and behold it gave me a French keyboard layout!!!! And it continued to reset to French Keyboard each and every time I booted up win7 after changing it to US keyboard which is what Houdini is designed around.

By the fourth or fifth time changing back to a US keyboard in that tiny keyboard icon in the left hand side of the toolbar, it finally stuck.
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