I wonder if anyone has managed to solve an issue with DSOs compiled with gcc-4.5.1. When starting Houdini and the plugin gets loaded, an error message outputs to the console:
Houdini-DSO error. Compiler incompatibility detected. gcc compiler versions below 4.3 are not compatible with gcc compiler versions 4.3 or above.
Now I'm running Fedora14 (64-bit), and it's quite a pain to get gcc-4.1 properly on my box. Is there any workaround for this?
Alright, I just built and compiled gcc-4.1.2 for my linux and compiled the code with this older gcc version. During startup the error message still appears. What could cause it this time? Everything has been compiled with versions<4.3.
I just downloaded the Debian 10 Houdini package, which is for gcc-4.4. I downloaded the RedHat package before. Now everything works fine. Thanks for your help!