ParmTemplateGroup, MenuParmTemplate etc..... confusion!

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Hi guys!
I've finally figured out how to change a menu dynamically. It worked fine
with a simple python sop with only one menu.

The problem is, that when I change a menu which is in a more complex
layout (some folders etc.) I mess up the entire interface of my sop.

I think one problem is that I don't read the entire folder, change only the
menuParmTemplate and write it back.

I'm really confused (and depressed), cause I can't figure it out…
What is the relation between ParmTemplateGroups, FolderTemplateGroups
and MenuTemplateGroups?

its somehow like:

–>some FolderTemplateGroups
–> MenuTemplateGroup

so…question: how to change the MenuTemplate without messing up
all the rest? ….the more I know, the more confused I get..

A very basic sop with a folder, a button and a menu would be awesome!!
please help me!

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