Ramp parameter versus Channel editor lookup

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I often use the channel editor in a float parameter to create a lookup curve which then drives another parameter via the chf expression.

Since the introduction of ramp parameters I've also been using these to do the same thing, but I notice some drawbacks. Firstly the ramp parameter doesn't have the same extensive keyframe interpolation options and there is no way to zoom in and out. This caused me to switch back to using the channel editor method. But there is one huge advantage that the ramp parameter has which is that it allows you to keyframe the values on the ramp. When using the channel editor for lookups I don't think this is possible (I guess I would be trying to keyframe a keyframe). Or is it?

As it stands I can either have a lookup which I can keyframe with the ramp parameter but only with 4 interpolation options, or a lookup with a much better UI for editing the ramp and much more interpolation options but with no ability to keyframe.

There is the method of duplicating a channel editor based lookup x number of times, making my ‘keyed’ changes to one point on each ramp and then blending between them using the point sop or some such method, but I wondered if there is a more elegant solution?
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