Command Exit Code: -1073741819

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I'm currently rendering out my scene with mantra and the renders stop at random frames. The error I get is:

Command Exit Code: -1073741819

I tried not using “Max Processors” and only using 3 of 4. Same error.

I get this error when I'm writing out images as any format but I do NOT get this error if I render to “ip”.

Houdini Apprentice HD build: 11.0.733

What I'm rendering: A fairly simple geometric scene, however, a lot of sprites with the dustpuff shader attached to them. I have one spotlight with raytraced shadows enabled.

Computer specs:

Win 7 x64
i7-950 overclocked to 3.2ghz from 3.07ghz
24gb RAM
Geforce GTX 460 SE

While rendering my CPU's get to around 75C - 80C, maybe it's running a little hot? Could a possible reason mantra stops running be because of my CPU's getting hot? But then I don't understand why “ip” renders fine.

I attached a picture of one of the renders to get an idea of what the scene looks like. Thanks!

20_028.jpg (55.3 KB)

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