open gl or gpu bug

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I've just invested in an amd 1090T 6 proc machine, with 8 gig ram and an ATI FirePro V7800 graphics card, windows 7 HP. Imagine my surprise when I got problems with the graphics. I think I'm up to date with GPU drivers, at least I can't find any more recent than I have. I'm using H11.1.67 64-bit.

The symptom is when I go to use say the edit sop the camera window goes blank, or if I hit “w” it'll shade and come back, but flicker when I enable viewport picking but not let me pick anything, other manifestations have been the clip for the ‘inspect’ camera cutting my scene in half, or obscuring it altogether. I had similar, but different problems with my old computer (nvidia 9600GT) so is it a bug or are my OGL settings out of whack?
tea-time + rand(FF) = true
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