transfering color from particle to nearest particles

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this should be fairly simple and I know how to do this with geometry but from paticles to particles it wont work:

I am sourcing particles and puting every fifth in a group called “everyFifth”. those particles get colored randomly. now I want them to transfer their individual color to the nearest other particles placed in a rest group.

when using the proximity node I get a lot of groups ending with the ID of the particles in everyFifth (proximity5, proximity10,…) that contain the nearest paricles to each everyFifth particle. but now I would need something like a for-loop for those, using the number in the string of the groupname wich I am not sure how to do - also I think there must be a simpler solution.
the poppointid expression should work for getting the color of the individual particles in the everyFifth group but then I still don't know how to loop through every group.

I also tried to get this working using the attribute transfer pop, directing it to the popnet as the sop but as expected this resulted in an error. I dont want to use 2 different pop networks wich I think would work using the attribute transfer pop.

Edited by - 2011年10月29日 14:17:39

colorNearestParticles.hipnc (68.4 KB)

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so here is a version using two pop nets and the attribute transfer pop.
it works, but I would really like to have it working in one single pop net.

colorNearestParticles_attributeTransfer.hipnc (66.8 KB)

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off topic: but by playing around with the two pop net solution something interresting happened. by just transfering the colors from one to another particle system this voronoi patterns emerged, wich makes total sense but I still think its cool

anyway…I still didn't manage to get the color transfer working within one pop net.

voronoi_particles.png (44.8 KB)

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