how to make constraints

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I am starting out making my first skeletal rig in Houdini. I started in Houdini and thought VEX was the place for constraints and will get around to trying that out but for now I will do it the regular way, now my first step to keep this rig snappy is to not use expressions and keep all the constraints in CHOP's so I am now trying to find the equivalent of all the constraints I am used to in
CHOP's. The easiest way somebody could explain this would be to make a Houdini file with examples of them or write a description…. making a hip file would probably be faster. The constraints I am looking for are..

(the objects should not need to have the same parent)
* translate to another objects position in world space
* translate between two or more objects in world space

(the objects should not need to have the same parent)
* orientate like another object in world space
* orientate like two or more object in world space (using quatonin intopolation)

* aim one axis at another object while not altering the other axises

The reason i natural think to go to vex to for making constraints is because the relationship between objects in space would be best described in vectors. VEX standing for Vector Expression Language just said to me to be Constraints Ahoy! But i am told that CHOP's is the thing for the job and it is the part of the program that is made to deal with 1 dimensional data… go figure!
Robert Kelly
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