first let me tell you how happy I am with Houdini. I wish I had discovered it

So I´m using Houdini now for roughly a week and went through several
Tutorials. So I´m pretty much at the very beginning.
I ´m trying to make a very basic simulation. A Cup that ´s being filled
with liquid by a Particle Emitter. I build a cup from a cylinder and made
a RBD from it. I place a sphere above as emitter for my FLIP fluids.
The particles pour in but somehow the Cup doesn´t fill. The particles
disappear. I allready tried the following without success.
Increasing the “Uniform Divisons” from the Cup Object.
Using a static solver instead of a rigid body solver (as seen in the screenshot).
As you can see in the attached image, it´s not filling. It looks pretty much
the same after 200 frames.
I also have the problem that some particles just pass through the Cup.
It gets better when I increase the uniform subdivisions. But maybe
there are more usefull parameter to suspress this behaviour ?
Any help or pointer to a tutorial is much appreciated.