Im trying to get dust trails from my rigid bodies and figured the debris tool would be perfect, but im getting very strange behavior from it… right when i put it down im getting warnings of bad parameter references. I follow the path being referenced and it seems to lead to parameters that don't exist? its looking for
/obj/debris1/birthrate and /obj/debris1/constant
the debris tool has a parm labeled “birthrate” but its actual parameter name is just “rate” and i cant find anything that would be the constant parm its looking for…
when using the tool it kind of half works but particles are randomly emitting when nothings moving and then nothing seems to emit when things are moving. id upload the scene but its pretty heavy. but these weird channel references are there when ever i use the debris tool…
also the popnet inside the debris tools errors out as “infinite recursion in evaluation”
hope this all makes sense, any thoughts would be appreciated as im at a loss for a better way to emit particle trails from a sim thats crumbling away over time
-Nick Molson
Debris Tool referencing phantom channels?
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