How to create a vortex field?

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I am doing a smoke effect where I need the smoke to twist like a tornado. I have tried using the vortex fields, but none of them work the way I need them too. So I was wondering if anyone has ever created a vortex tool that is like the wind tool from the volcano tutorial?
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You can use the same technique, if im correct you can add rotation by adding a transform matrix node and give it a value like 90 to the rotation for example..
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You should use a curve for vortex force !
In the DopNetwork append a “SOP Geometry” and create a simple curve and “Vortex Force Attributes” in the “SOP Geometry” .

don't forget to turn off “Use External SOP” parameter in the SOP Geometry (of Course you can create curve on the obj level and use External SOP)

Connect Sop Geometry to second input of the Vortex Force and press Play !

just to define radius of the Vortex Force you should set keyframe for “Radius” parameter on the “Vortex Force Attributes”

I made a simple scene for you

VortexForce.hip (620.8 KB) []
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Joined: 7月 2012
AWESOME, exactly what I was looking for, thank you. Always love example scenes too.
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Joined: 11月 2016
This was clear and easy to see whats going on thanks for taking the time to color code aha
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