Animation Layers ?

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Joined: 7月 2006
Is there any workflow in Houdini that is closer to animation layers in Maya and Softimage?
I know about the Channel CHOP node and the ability to mix different channels but the workflow is kind of limited from what I see because you can't animate channel chop on the viewport.You have to animate only inside channel editor.Another limitation is that if you have rig with many controllers you have to setup each controller one by one .In SI, Maya you only add animation layer to the rig and you are good to go.
I hope I am missing something and there is better and faster workflow in Houdini?
From what I see so far Houdini really needs animation friendly tools better transform handles manipulations and selection, faster viewport interaction(maybe this is related to the capturing(skinning) speed, I don't know but I guess it needs to be multithreaded) and so on…
Maybe SESI has to hire very good and non technical animator and make him animate inside Houdini, than start developing the tools that he requests to make him happy and comfortable, than I guess everyone will be happy []
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