icons not showing up houdini 12.5 opensuse 12.3

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Hey guys

im having problems seeing icons on my nodes, ive tried previous threads on the forum but none of them provided a solution for me.

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue.

This is the console output i get when i run houdini:
linuxopt/hfs12.5.371 # Warning: program compiled against libxml 209 using older 207
Warning: program compiled against libxml 209 using older 207
/opt/hfs12.5.371/hsvg/hsvg: line 7: /hsvg/hsvg-bin: No such file or directory

it seems that houdini is trying to use an older version of the libxml or is linked to different version
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I haven't seen that problem myself, but whenever I have icon problems, many times they are solved by deleting the icon cache file (in $HOME/houdini12.5/config/icons or something like that).
I'm o.d.d.
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Might be because Houdini is picking up the system's Python 2.7 libraries instead of its own.

Try setting-

export HOUDINI_PYTHON_BIN=$HFS/python/bin/python2.6
export HOUDINI_PYTHON_LIB=$HFS/python/lib/libpython2.6.so

In your bashrc assuming $HFS is defined at that point.
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/opt/hfs12.5.371/hsvg/hsvg: line 7: /hsvg/hsvg-bin: No such file or directory

This error seems even more weird because it suggests that $HFS is undefined. What is the output of running hconfig from your shell?
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Might be because Houdini is picking up the system's Python 2.7 libraries instead of its own.

Try setting-

export HOUDINI_PYTHON_BIN=$HFS/python/bin/python2.6
export HOUDINI_PYTHON_LIB=$HFS/python/lib/libpython2.6.so

In your bashrc assuming $HFS is defined at that point.

Thanks wolfwood that was the issue.
AS soon as i set the houdini python env everything strated working fine.

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Might be because Houdini is picking up the system's Python 2.7 libraries instead of its own.

Try setting-

export HOUDINI_PYTHON_BIN=$HFS/python/bin/python2.6
export HOUDINI_PYTHON_LIB=$HFS/python/lib/libpython2.6.so

In your bashrc assuming $HFS is defined at that point.

How can I do it in windows?
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Hi Guys -

I just ran into this problem - on mint 15 -

# Warning: program compiled against libxml 209 using older 207
Warning: program compiled against libxml 209 using older 207

and sure enough setting the env to point at Houdini's Python did the trick

Thansk for the help Wolfwood - but can someone explain to a linux newbie like me, why Houdini is not looking at its own python libs to begin with? - Is this something to do with the way the OS (mint 15 in my case) defines how programs should use their own libraris?

Im curious

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