Promoting unified noise parms to top level of HDA

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Hey everyone,

I was looking for a quick (read: lazy) way to promote the parameters of the unified noise vop to top level of an HDA.

I thought I struck gold with this:

def createNoiseUI(parent):
b = parent.parmTemplateGroup()
if b.find('noise1group'):
cPath = parent.path() + ‘/input/volumevop1’
cNode = hou.node(cPath)
cParm = cNode.parmTemplateGroup().find('noise1group')
b.insertAfter('sepparm3', cParm)

Of course, my success was short lived as I now needed an equally clever way to link those parameters to the ones buried deep within the asset.

Is there a clever way to do this without having to harden the parms and linking manually?

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One option is to use the Import Settings option on your HDA. You specify a node and a parm group. Then in the little gear box option there is an option to “refresh imports” which will rebuild those links. Works pretty well. Sadly its a UI only action at the moment as there is no HOM method that exposes that functionality.

There is an RFE for it tho….

ID: 25143 - Created: 81 Months Ago

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There is an RFE for it tho….

ID: 25143 - Created: 81 Months Ago

My oldest open RFE!
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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