Look development shot. What do you guys think?

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http://sv2.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/imgView.php?imgID=6567 [sv2.3dbuzz.com]

This is a look development shot of the creature I am doing in Houdini Apprentice. Actually the image is a combination of mostly Houdini, a little bit of Lightwave (mostly to get around 640X480 limit), some Photoshop. Like most of industry, I almost never confine myself to a single app to produce an image.
Anyway I am working on overall look of creature within its subterranian aquatic environment, so I was experimentting with light scatteting, and shadow placement. Suppousedly the skin is slightly biolumenscent, and eyes appear black becouse they are composed of thousands of microeyes.

If anyone has advice on how to best procceed to rigging him, please e-mail me.

Thank you
David Rindner
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