Dialog Scripts

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If I've written a dialog script and saved it as a .ds file, how do I use it in Houdini. I've tested it with dsparse and it does what I want, but as far as loading it up in the Houdini Master interface, I'm not sure what to so.

Do I have to create an OTL, and how will I do that. Or do I have to create special node?

The .ds file is basically supposed to call a .cmd file with some parameters.

Also, how do I create a multi-electable list. So if I have a list of all the lights, and I want to select 3 simultaneously, how can I do that in the dialog script?

Thank you.
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Creating a dialog script for what type of operator?

I'd recommend just doing it the GUI way. Create a subnet, right-click Create Type From… and then add your parameters in that dialog.

There's no real multi-select list for dialogs. The closest thing is a string parameter that is an operator list.
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I have a script written in HScript and TCL. Calling it in the Textport or just hscript is no problem. But I wanted to add a GUI interface so it would be easier for others to use the script. I have the ds created so that it calls the script with the appropriate arguments. I know this from testing it through dsparse. The question for me now is how to open up that dialog script in the Houdini interface

When I say a multi-select list. If there's no such thing, then I would like to create something like in the light-linking window. When light linking is being done in Houdini a window shows up that lets you choose * (all) or simultaneously highlight all the lights to be used.

Thank you
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Why not just create a tcl/tk interface then?
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