White water spray collision problem

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Hi, I have a bit of a problem with spray sim. I have used a shelf tool for white water and generated foam already which works fine. Spray however seems to ignore collision geometry. I have attached screenshots of my scene (white constant is fluid mesh, wireframe obviously dummy/collision geometry and particles is generated spray).

Thanks for any help.


Screenshot-2.png (409.7 KB)
Screenshot.png (471.6 KB)

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check your merge node into DOPS in your whitewater sim node, you have connected your collisions after your solver and probably the affector relationship is “Left input affect right inputs”.
Lead FX @ Jellyfish Pictures
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I tried what you suggested and it didn't solve the problem
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Whitewater solver by default does not create collision relations, the particles seem to collide with geometry but they actually simply follow the velocity field passing from the whitewater source node. you need to manually add collision geometry if you want sprays etc to collide with geometry seperately from the flip.
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I have added manually my dummy geo as static object in whitewater DOP network but this doesn't work. As my scene is a corridor i've managed to allign the solvers bounding box with the dummy geo however this solution is obviously not accurate because doesnt take irregularity of dummy geometry (doors geo etc). i also tried adding implicit boxes as the collision geo but still no result.
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