Building plugin on OSX 10.10 with modern C++

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I'm working on a plugin that embeds portions of a game engine into Houdini and requires linking with some libraries that leverage std::shared_ptr and std::unordered_map. This appears to be in some conflict with the HDK (14.0.395 clang 10.10).

If I don't use -stdlib=libstdc++ when building the plugin I get errors regarding UT_BitArrays iterator trait specialization. If I *do* use that I end up not being able to use shared_ptr or unordered_map for some reason.

I'd love to hear some ideas on how to address this or work around it. I'm using CMake and more or less based the setup on what I saw hcustom doing. At the moment this is an exploratory plugin so that our tech artists can demonstrate some of the value of Houdini to the art department here… but the whole plan might just have been blown out of the water.


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Ok, so I downloaded 14.0.395 and specifically the clang build for 10.10 and I can build without libstdc++, or so I think, I'm still unable to find std::shared_ptr, std::forward, or std::unordered_map which may perhaps be some boost issue?
This is a problem even if I use hcustom so I'm pretty confident it's not an issue with my cmake setup specifically.
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Just to put the lid on this. With the release of 15.0 there were no more issues.
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