I started working on my own camera projection baker shelf tool.
Apart from learning how to make these things, my ultimate goal is to create a fluid workflow that allows one-click texture extraction and brings the texture back to Houdini for viewing and rendering after touchups.
I'm going to post my progress here to motivate myself, hopefuly get some feedback from You and share the tool when it's ready.
Right now it's all very crude, but it's already working.
For now I have an initial SOP setup done by hand and a Python SOP that creates a ROP Network with a Mantra node inside it. It names both nodes based on the HIP's and object's names and a prefix and sets up the mantra node for proper uv rendering.
The texture is extracted and brought back properly. After that it renders fine, but for whatever reason it shows up broken in uv_quickshade, so that's the first thing I'm going to try and fix.
Camera Projection Baker - from the ground up
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- Filip Tarczewski
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- Joined: 2月 2014
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