Transfer Houdini group names to Maya in Alembic

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I want to export a geometry from Houdini to Maya, with an Alembic file.
In my Houdini geometry, I have groups with differents names. My goal is to have these same groups with the geometry it contains, and I want to keep the same name for each group.

In my Rop Alembic Output SOP I have these settings :
- Format : HDF5
- Build Hierarchy From Attributes check on
- Path Attribute : name
- Packed Alembic Priority : Hierarchy

But when I'm in Maya all my names are deleted, I just have the classic ‘polysurface*’, and I have no group… How can I keep the same hierarchy from Houdini in Maya ?

Also, when I'm exporting a sequence, I have no animation…


Tom. []
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And there is also a ‘Name’ SOP before my Alembic export node. []
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I have a question.
How I can export animation from Houdini to Maya with alembic?
I read documentation that we need to use Alembic node to export data from Houdini, but I don't know how to do that, any help please?

Thank you!
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Bojan Brankovic
I have a question.
How I can export animation from Houdini to Maya with alembic?
I read documentation that we need to use Alembic node to export data from Houdini, but I don't know how to do that, any help please?

Thank you!

drop down an ROP Alembic Output and obviously unlike a normal Rop output you don't want $F infront of your filename, as its a single file for the animation.

Plugin your geo to the rop and click render.

Take that output alembic and just import in maya.

Shortcuts are supposed to be hard, if they were easy then they would just be “The Way”.
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I want to export a geometry from Houdini to Maya, with an Alembic file.
In my Houdini geometry, I have groups with differents names. My goal is to have these same groups with the geometry it contains, and I want to keep the same name for each group.

In my Rop Alembic Output SOP I have these settings :
- Format : HDF5
- Build Hierarchy From Attributes check on
- Path Attribute : name
- Packed Alembic Priority : Hierarchy

But when I'm in Maya all my names are deleted, I just have the classic ‘polysurface*’, and I have no group… How can I keep the same hierarchy from Houdini in Maya ?

Also, when I'm exporting a sequence, I have no animation…



Hey Tom,

Have you tried using the Alembic scene output in the /output context? In there it should preserve your hierarchy. For instance if you put int /obj under root it should carry over into the alembic.

I'm assuming you're using the geometry –> ROP Alembic Output
Shortcuts are supposed to be hard, if they were easy then they would just be “The Way”.
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Thank you very much, but I tried something here is the picture:

So, I add in “OUT” section from TOOLS dropdown menu, and from submenu Scene ->Alembic

I connect FETCH_EXPORT_OCEAN which was there with ocean problably I exported it and I have some file but Maya won't read it. I don't understand what step I did wrong…?!

Thank you again!
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Sugleris : Thanks ! It's working. I was expecting that groups from Houdini would become groups in Maya, but it became shapes (which is okay too).

Bojan : don't plug anything in the Alembic node, just get the object path you want in the SOP Path parameter of your Alembic node, if I remember correctly. []
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Man, I don't understand nothing! It doesn't work.
I am beginner to Houdini and I don't know how to solve this problem.
I don't know what to enter in SOP Path, I never used it.

Here is the screenshot (I didn't plug alembic node)


Thank you for any efforts to help me!
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Write ‘.abc’ after your ‘$JOB/Desktop/BBBBB/alembic’, and in your SOP Path pick the end of your tree inside of your ‘ocean_surface" (put a null at the end of your tree, and call it ’OUT_OCEAN_SURFACE' for exemple so it will be easy to find). []
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Merci beaucoup!

I succeed in exporting alembic files, but when it looks flat and with no animation when i imported it in Maya )

Houdini alemic export parameters:

Maya imported alembic file:

Probably I did something wrong, since I don't have any animation in Maya!

Mais en tout cas, merci tu m'as aidé!
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Hehe avec plaisir

I can share you a scene file if you want to. []
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It will means a lot to me, if you can please share similar scene…I am learning.

Merci d'avance!

Tout meilleur!
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Here it is ! Tell me if it works.

By the way, “Tout meilleur” doesn't mean anything haha ! Nice try

abcExport.hip (146.9 KB) []
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T'es gentil ma pote!

Je vais essayer et jvais te dirai!

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I tried to make new scene with some adjustment like from your example, which was worked perfectly, but I missed something again.

I added ROP network and in it I create Alembic output (in OBJ section), I added DOP network, because I read that it is related on somewhat with simulations topics, but I am not sure. But, when I clicked render, I got warning and my alembic node become red.

ocean.hip (916.2 KB)

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Hi, I have a similar doubt.
I have a car wheel rolling on a plane. The wheels pivot axis is not exactly in the origin.I use pivot coordinates to make it spin exactly on the wheels axis.Then I apply animation with rotation and translation. When I convert to alembic file, this transformation into world space is not included in the alembic file.

What should I do to include this world transformation in Alembic ROP node or alembic node?

wheels2.PNG (352.5 KB)
wheel1.PNG (374.7 KB)

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