Houdini Parameter Interface, add dynamically menu items

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How can i dynamically populate a drop-down-menu in a nodes User-Interface ? I want to do a request to get available files and put it as choices into a drop-down-menu. I couldn't find any information, just how to query menuitems()


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On the Menu tab for the parameter, there is a sub-tab that says “Menu Script” where you can write a script in hscript or python to dynamically generate your menu contents. See
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini15.0/hom/locations#parameter_menu_scripts [sidefx.com]
for an example.

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Awesome! Thanks! that works, one more question. How can i trigger a script (to update a second drop-down-menu) when item of first drop down selected?
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add a callback script to the function/method used to populate menu2, and evaluate menu1 in that function/method. If you tell me the context in which you are populating your menus I will write you an example.

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i am in sop context, would appreciate an example.
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Here is a sop that has 3 menus, it reads your user houdini folder and if you select a folder, you can keep selecting more. I'm sure theres a way to do this cleaner, i just wanted to throw something together so you could understand, hope this helps.


menuexample.hda (5.3 KB)

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Hi there,

I'm not a coder, but looking to create a row of toggles with only one being on at any one time.
Can't seem to find a resource which goes through the parameter interface creation option at a time.

Not sure how this was done but it's brilliant - how to create those teal icon buttons?

thank you
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Nathan Arbuckle
Here is a sop that has 3 menus, it reads your user houdini folder and if you select a folder, you can keep selecting more. I'm sure theres a way to do this cleaner, i just wanted to throw something together so you could understand, hope this helps.


Hi Nathan

2 years too late, but if you're seeing this, could you make a quick example on how to load menus using a file parameter? I have a file parameter and depending on the number of lines in the text file that I select, I need the menu to update. Is that possible?
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