FEM Cushions and Dirt mask

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After a little experiment with FEM deformations simulating a cushion I am amazed at the ease and power of the system :shock:

I actually had more problems with the dirt mask I've used for the weared look in the blue fabric. I had no way to limit the scope to only the individual object created by the DopImport node. The scope:self script included all objects in the parent geometry. So I literally extracted each simulated object to a different geometry node and then apply the materials, there must be a better workflow. :?

https://vimeo.com/158794790 [vimeo.com]
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8408875/ [www.imdb.com]
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Joined: 5月 2015
That looks amazing ! If I didn't know it was a sim I wouldn't thing it was anything except real.
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Joined: 12月 2015
Niall Cochrane
That looks amazing ! If I didn't know it was a sim I wouldn't thing it was anything except real.

I started Houdini a few month ago and I am impress with pretty much everything Mantra seems very robust! but the simulations are amazingly flexible.
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8408875/ [www.imdb.com]
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