Pyro Solver Preset vs Microsolvers

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Hey everyone,

I was just for the life of me trying to figure out why Houdini was not doing what I told it to do.
Which was animating Disturbance over time…
Turns out two levels into the Pyro Solver on the Gas Disturbance CL Node “Set Always” is not set.

So what I was wandering is, how hard do you rely on presets in Houdini?
I mean I love the fact that these presets are there and work so beautifully, but as someone no crazy familiar with this it took me quite while to figure this out…

So I was thinking maybe its pretty much as useful to just learn to use Microsolvers all the way, because they give a more direct control?
How do you guys approach this?
Is it worth diving into all of that?

Best regards!
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