Licensing Error

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I have Houdini 8.0322. I cannot get it to run. I get the do you want to install a non-commercial license. Then if I click yes, it says that it cannot retreave information from the server. Is that because the server webpage is wrong? Or is it because of .Net? Here is my Diagnostics. Thanks.
License Administrator output:
Generated on: Sun Sep 11 13:56:32 2005
Local host name: Pivate
Local server code: 3*******
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: Pivate (Pivate)
License server server code: 3*******
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: No
License server version: 8.0.322
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
private 3******* no - -
License Administrator version: 8.0.322
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: Yes
Can retrieve [] No (ERROR: Could not read response from the web server.
Perhaps you need to set your http proxy server.)

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
ee9fe6fe Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0 0/0 13-sep-2005
+.+.+.+ private (license known to: Pivate)
94d9c164 Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.0 0/0 13-sep-2005
+.+.+.+ private (license known to: Pivate)
0d847686 Generic Houdini-Select-NonCommercial 8.0 0/0 23-sep-2005
+.+.+.+ private (license known to: Pivate)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER Pivate ——–

*** WARNING *** - No valid server lines found

Lic ee9fe6fe: 0 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 13-sep-2005 +.+.+.+ private

Lic 94d9c164: 0 “Render-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 13-sep-2005 +.+.+.+ private

Lic 0d847686: 0 “Houdini-Select-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 23-sep-2005 +.+.+.+ private

Serv private 3*******
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

hserver -l output:
Hostname: Pivate
Uptime: 1 days, 19:59:22
License Server: Pivate
Server Version: sesinetd8.0.322
Version: Houdini8.0.322
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

licenses file:
* Could not open the licenses file. *
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