Houdini VPN crashed

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Houini crashes when you login to your machine via VPN.
This is the error it gives (see attachment):

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It looks like the attachment didn't come through. Can you try posting it again?
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are you using windows remote desktop? This may be due to remote desktop forcing your video drivers to use the equivalent of unsupported cards, which makes houdini crash due to not being able to support anything less than GL3

Have you tried using tightVNC?
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As @grayOlorin points out, if you're using Windows Remote Desktop with an nVidia Card, that card's driver must support OpenGL through RDP. AFAIK, currently only the Quadro drivers offer this, regular GeForce drivers do not. I've had the same struggle until I bought an old Quadro 6000 on ebay. Now H runs great via RDP. But as @grayOlorin also suggested, there's VNC which should work regardless.

Hope this helps,
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Ah i see. That's bad news.
Yes i have 3 Titan X cards in my machine.
The bad thing is that i do have an old quadro here, but when I combine it with the 3 new titan x cards the machine becomes instable. So i had to remove that one.

It does say now it's an OpenGL 3.3 version problem.
Not sure if Titan X cards supports that feature.
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Hey, seems to be a very old topic, but I have the same problem “It does say now it's an OpenGL 3.3 version problem.”
Are there any workarounds or did you find a solution?
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