airship vortex simulation

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Joined: 10月 2016
Hello all,

I'm new to Houdini, and I haven't used much of it. Just been playing around with some of the more simple simulations off the shelf. However, I'm thinking I want to actually start on an animation and simulation. That being, a spaceship comes down through a cloud layer to touch base on the ground. I would like the surrounding clouds to interact with the ship flying through it. Obeying the physics of air being pushed under the ship and around the edges of the ship, so that the cloud layer is seen as a vortex. Similar to what you see when a helicopter is coming through a cloud layer.

Does the sky-rig or cloud-rig have this capability? Or am I going to have to go about it differently? Is it even possible in Houdini?

What are your thoughts and suggestions?

Thank you for the help in advanced.
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Joined: 6月 2008
I don't think I would use the cloud tools. Try more of a simulation based approach.

Check out Matt's galaxy. []

And Diego's Vortex. []
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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