Hello there. When houdiniAsset cooks inside Maya it pollutes output with the message:
Warning: Unsupported data type in attribute: varmap
I have deleted all attribs on incoming and output geometry inside houdini assset, but still have this message.
Maya 2016.5
Any ideas? Thanks.
Unsupported data type in attribute: varmap
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- Stalkerx777
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- Stalkerx777
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awongAsset gets 2 inputs: 1 maya geometry and 1 maya particle system, both cleaned up from any attributes. Voronoi sop generates “varmap” attrib, but i also wipe it out prior output. No warnings in houdini though, only maya complains.
What kind of geometry is being outputted? If you check the scene in “Debug -> View Assets in Houdini”, do you see the “varmap” attribute being outputted?
Aleksei Rusev
Sr. Graphics Tools Engineer @ Nvidia
Sr. Graphics Tools Engineer @ Nvidia
- awong
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The voronoi fracture SOP does create the varmap attribute. The Maya plugin attempts to output any existing attribute on the output/resulting geometry into Maya. Since the “varmap” data type is not supported inside Maya, the warning is printed out. If the attribute is deleted, the attribute should be gone, and should not be outputted into Maya. So the warning should go away. However, it seems like the warning is still showing for you.
I've created a simple voronoi fracture asset, which would delete the varmap attribute. Could you try loading it into Maya, and see if the “varmap” warning message appears?
I've created a simple voronoi fracture asset, which would delete the varmap attribute. Could you try loading it into Maya, and see if the “varmap” warning message appears?
Andrew / アンドリュー
- Stalkerx777
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