Packed RBDs constraint to a deforming object

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Hey guys,

This is driving me crazy!
Trying to make a simple setup of packed rbds which are active constrained to some deforming geometry.

In DOPs I'm importing the deforming object as a deforming static object.
Using cone twist or spring constraints, which make the RBDs follow the deforming object but with some weird offset.

If I make the deforming object active everything works perfect, but the moment I make it static deformed the constraint movement is totally messed up.

Any thoughts??

Thanks a lot!

rbd_constraints.hipnc (314.4 KB)

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I have a file here that does what you describe. []
Ian Farnsworth
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Joined: 11月 2018
Ian, you are my hero today! Thank you!

I was actually able to get a somewhat satisfying result by updating the constraints in SOPs.
But your setup is awesome.

Thanks again
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