Where should one keep parameters you don't want to expose?

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New to Houdini but making strides.

Where's the typical place to keep “internal” / private parameters and constants in a network? For now I've just been creating a Null and editing the parameter interface on that to create stuff I want to be able to tweak without exposing it to the artist.

Is that OK, or is there a more usual place? (I s'pose I'm asking because it seems strange to have this little Null floating there, not connected to anything - but at least I can keep all my tweaky stuff in one place)
Edited by howiem - 2017年8月26日 03:50:00
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Hi Howie,
no thats a ok solution, but you can also edit the parameter interface and set parameters to invisible.
And when collapsing into a subnet or better when turning your setup into an HDA, you can only expose what the artist should see.


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yes, i will use a null like that occasionally too. sometimes give it a special color, so my eye goes right to it in the network.
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