Houdini engine Maya slow

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Hi everybody!
I'm working on an asset wich creates oil Paint strokes from strokes photos.
It works fine but in Maya i have a Great limitation in the remesh density,i Can't reach the same quality of the mesh that i have in Houdini.
In Houdini i have Edge lenght 0.1…and It complete the job in 2 min…
In Maya i Can't go down 0.2 otherwise It freeze.
If i set 0.2 in Houdini the mesh looks the same that in Maya…so the scale is good.
There is some limitation in Maya?there is some known slow down when importing asset in Maya?
Thanks alot!
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Does the Houdini asset take input geometry from Maya?
How many polygons is the output geometry? What attributes are on the geometry? There's some overhead when converting geometry from Houdini asset into Maya, so it won't be as fast as inside Houdini.
If you could post a .bgeo of the output geometry, I can test if it's slow for some reasons.

Which Houdini and Maya version are you using? There was a few performance fixes recently, so you could try out the most recent daily build.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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Hi Andrew!
Thanks for your support!
The asset get a geo from maya…and the output geo is around 400k poly..it does have only the Cd attribute and the uvs.
I'm using maya 2017 and houdini 16.0.621.

busto_1.bgeo (4.7 MB)

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I see your geometry has the “shop_materialpath”. There was a performance bug when outputting string attributes. This was fixed in 16.0.785 or later. You could test if this is the issue by deleting the “shop_materialpath” attribute in the asset, and see if there's any speed difference.

Another potential slowdown is when the output geometry from the asset tries to preserve the input Maya geometry's locked/unlocked normals and soft/hard edges. I don't know if this is happening in your case, because this depends on the input geometry from Maya. You could test this by deleting the “maya_hard_edge” and “maya_locked_normal” vertex attribute in the asset.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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Great!I will test this monday!Thanks alot!
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