Floating Geometry- flip fluids

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At the moment I'm working on making a simulation of a floating boat- but my problem is an odd one.
The stand in geometry works, but the canoe itself doesn't (it sinks)
As does the Squab, the pighead, etc.

What should I be adjusting?
Cheers in advance[


float.hipnc (1.7 MB)

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in the Flip Solver play the feedback scale.
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I've raised it even as much as 1000, still not working. It goes through the water, does affect it though. It just doesn't float
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Hello! I tried to run the float.hipnc file and the torus falls and floats on top of the fluid properly. I can't seem to recreate this problem.
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The torus is fine, its just the stand in/example of what I want to achieve. I was following a boat tutorial and they mentioned doing this, but my boat geo sinks
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Are you using the same rigid body option for the boat as the torus? Also, how thick is your boat? If the shell of the boat is too thin, then the flip solver might not realise the boat as a collision (depending on the particle separation of course).
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Are you using the same rigid body option for the boat as the torus? Also, how thick is your boat? If the shell of the boat is too thin, then the flip solver might not realise the boat as a collision (depending on the particle separation of course).
I am.
I think I'll try thickening the shell of the boat. That may be the problem (the particle separation is 0.1 I think, from memory
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Still not working

float.hipnc (1.7 MB)
Canoe.obj (468.3 KB)

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I took a look at the boat. It seems like the resolution of the flip simulation is not high enough to capture the boat. One thing to keep in mind is that the size of a voxel in the flip simulation is (particle separation) * (grid scale). If the canoe is not thicker than one or two voxels, it won't be accounted in the solver. A good way to check is to enable “Collision” in the Guides->Visualization tab in the FLIP Object node. It will show a purple mesh of the collision volume.

I had to decrease the particle separation to .025 before I could even see the canoe show up as a collision. I imagine you will need to make it much smaller for the sides of the canoe to show up. This will definitely take longer to simulate so it might be preferable to reduce the size of the tank that you're using.
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