Alpha from texture

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Hi people i feel like is the most simple thing ever. why cant i seem to delete the alpha from the image? so when i import the png i just get the picture not the transparency as black?

wheres_the_alpha.hipnc (464.9 KB)

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Joined: 6月 2008
The .JPG file format does not and can not contain an alpha. That is why you find two images available for the bacon. One supplies diffuse color, the other supplies a black/white mask for the alpha. You can use two attributeFromMap nodes in this case. When fetching a known black/white matte image set the data type to float and map the data into the built-in in Alpha attribute. The follow up attributeWrangle takes the float input from the second input and integrates it into the mesh that contains the Cd color diffuse attribute.
Edited by Enivob - 2018年8月26日 09:53:51

Untitled-1.jpg (74.0 KB)
ap_heres_the_alpha.hipnc (454.9 KB)

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