Time tracker for Houdini.

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Joined: 8月 2017
Hi! Does Houdini have some sort of time tracker that could control and show the time spent by a user for a certain task?
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Joined: 7月 2005
Might be a session timersomewhere.
Failing that you can try arbtt or manictime, both can let you group using part of the filename. Lot of work to set-up though.
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Joined: 8月 2017
Thanks for the answer, but that's not quite what I meant. Is there a plugin which allows you to track the exact amount of time that was spent for fullfilling a current task in Houdini? From the making a new file of a project till the end of the task.
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You have two approaches I think, one is to use a special external tool to account for the time spent on the package and you get a total value, or you could get callbacks on every single node when there are changes and build a massive log file impossible to decipher.

I am not sure what you are asking makes a lot of sense unless you involve yourself in classifying every step of the process, every node interaction and… well… I doubt it would be fun to work like that.
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One solution is to create menu items that say ‘Start Task’ and ‘End Task’ and have the user click them.

You can also create a callback for file changes in the 456.py callback. scripts/456.py is called when you create a new scene then you can match that with callbacks on saves to scene file. Or use 456.py to mark the start time and add a menu item for commiting the task then just measure the elapsed.

Most pipelines will have their own way defining what the ‘end of the task’ means, so if your looking for a pre-packaged solution that handles this you'll have to look to some external tool.
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you could use hou.Node.creationTime() to find the time of the first/last created node….
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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