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Joined: 11月 2018
Hello Everybody:
A member of the Blender forum recommended you folks to me because Blender proved to be unable to make what I would like to make. I am trying to provide a video that shows how the superstrings make the 17 known particle-waves, plus how they make the other 3 as yet undiscovered particle-waves. It is simple to describe; but apparently difficult to do. Let me begin by saying that particle-waves are always made by the collision of 3 pairs of smoke rings. Each pair is always one of 4 sizes. In each pair, each ring is the same size as the other ring of the pair. The three pairs collide at the intersection of the three axis which are at right angles to each other, i.e., left-right, up-down, back-forward. So the first contact of the 6 smoke rings is at the edges of an imaginary cube which is centered at the intersection. The collision causes the formation of an expanding spherical vortex which is unique to each particle-wave. The expansion causes the various particle-waves to combine, first into atoms, then molecules, then chemicals, then substances, then things. The combinations eventually dissipate, so everything has to be repeatedly made again. Instead of discussing the implications of that situation, please let me say instead that I am 79, and I have short-term memory problems, which means that I am very slow to learn anything new. So I am begging for the video to be made by somebody beside me, because there is no hope that I will live long enough for me to ever learn how to make it, even if it can be made by some animation program, or other. In any case, thank you for considering my plea, George OLeary.
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You're welcome. That will be 281 million dollars, please.
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