Memory usage on windows 10

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Joined: 8月 2014
Hi, when I running a sim on windows 10, I notice that a huge chunk of memory are “cached”(not “In use”), sometimes the “cached” memory will go over 80%, is that normal?

taskManager1.PNG (60.6 KB)
taskManager2.PNG (46.2 KB)
taskManager3.PNG (47.9 KB)

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Joined: 6月 2008
With memory usage that high, it means the simulation you are conducting it too complex for your computer to handle. Try reducing the quality of the simulation (less particles or volume resolution). Once Houdini exceeds physical memory, it's ability to solve the simulation drops greatly. You may have to wait days for it to complete.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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