Collecting TOPs

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We may have different TOP contexts all around Houdini and especially in SOP context, where you can use input for TOP context (for example for caching purpose), is making a lot of spread TOPs.
Is it possible to collect all TOP contexts in the scene?

TOP Fetch node does not really fit. Because it doesn't count the amount of task. For example - to make per task dependencies from one TOP Fetch node to another.

Do you have some solution for that?

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We do think it makes sense to add a TOP network at the root level, like all the other contexts, but beyond that I'm not sure what more we could do. Things like the TOPSOP by definition goes where it's needed in other networks. We're open to suggestions on how best to handle this though.
- Ken Xu
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Hi Ken,

I remember from one of your messages, mentioned ‘TOP in SOP is slightly different from another TOP context’. And that is really nice that we can build TOP inside SOP context (into this data flow).
Let's take a look at TOP in SOP as advanced ‘Filecache’ node. Would be nice if we can have control over dependencies for those separated TOPs.
Maybe some similar to ‘TOPFetch/ROPFetch’ node will help. But it should allow reference/copy/duplicate workitems from another TOP output. Like a continues work from one to another TOP.
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I'm a bit confused I'm afraid. We can already TopFetch and RopFetch from the TopSop. Are you talking about the need to have some geometry import nodes from sops to forms of output that a topnet could produce? Even if it's that, there are already csv importers etc in SOPs. Maybe elaborate a bit on the workflow you're expecting?
- Ken Xu
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Correct me please if I'm wrong but TOPFecth node produces on only one workitem - representation of fetched TOP.
What if I need to fetch the original workitem count?
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Your suggestion makes sense, we are in fact planning to flesh out the capability of the Top Fetch node in this respect, at the moment only result data is copied back to the Fetching work item. For now as Ken says, you should write out CSV or some other artifacts to read back downstream of the topfetch node.
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Thank you!
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