Happy Newyear Everybody!!!

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Have a great 2007!!

Hope you weren't too drunk
A computer is almost human - except that it does not blame its mistakes on another computer.
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Joined: 7月 2005
And Happy Houdini-ing.
Looks like 2007 is going to be a very promising Houdini year.

I wish everybody a exciting and inspiring new year.

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Joined: 12月 2005
Does anyone have any Houdini resolutions?
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Become a houdini master? Or is that too much for just one year?
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Joined: 12月 2005
well, mine is to beat animusic's technology with CHOPS DA's .. here's what I have so far, been at it for a few weeks … still new to Houdini

http://www.andrew-lowell-productions.com/andrew-lowell-productions/download/ [andrew-lowell-productions.com]

here's animusic

http://www.animusic.com/dvd-info-clips-2.html [animusic.com]
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Joined: 10月 2006
Become a houdini master? Or is that too much for just one year?

i too wish everyone happy new year. and a “ever-new, happy you” too.

i don't know what would qualifiy one to become a “houdini master”. i would be interested in knowing the answer to that question however.

i myself have assembled a humble set of houdini-related goals for this year. goals that, i hope, would led me to, although not a master postion, but qualify one for an entry-level houdini position next year, (if not sooner).

my goals for 2007 (subject to changes, at the advice of those wiser than myself):

1) to finish the magic of houdini book. im currently up to chapter 6 without too much problem. at least, nothing i couldnt solve on my own… so far. (although, to get through some problems, i've had to start everything over from the begining sometimes).

2) to finish all the tutorials available for download on the sesi website.
2a) to browse through the help docs within apprentice and see if there are some tutorials on there that i should do, or just skip this step.

3) to work through the two houdini dvds that gnomon is selling.

4) after finishing goals 1, 2, and 3, to enroll in an advanced course somewhere that will help me put together a reel worthy of presenting to potential employers/clients.

5) to update the resume, get a blue suit/tie thingy, and get ready to start rocking and knocking on the doors next year. :twisted:

i estimate about 15-20 hours a week becoming available to devote to the tasks listed. any advice as to whether these goals seem overly simplistic and unrealistic to accomplish meaningfully in one year, (or too little to do in one year), would be appreciated!

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