This is the most function I missed in Houdini and it's been talked about for so many years. I've sent a ref but without any further reply. It's not efficient nor procedural for us to add another edit node to edit multiple points at a time. So please update the Curve node in Houdini 18. (It will be better if we can visualize the Nurbs handle in Curve node just like all the other software but I guess it's too much for SESI)
goat dont count on it, the previews of H18 have the same old curve tool.
This is really bad news. Hope H19 release…
It's been beyond a decade since I saw some guys ask for it in 2007, I guess SESI will never improve the Curve tool in Houdini, they're only focused on impressive new tools, sad.
peteski The curve tool is just the worst It’s a really commonly used node too so it’s strange that it’s been left in such a bad state.
The Curve tool is too bad to make the Curve based hda bad, too. I'm really afraid to make hda that require a Curve input, but it's quite common in game dev .
In my toolset, it was used, for example, for interactive points extrusion (available in upcoming release) or brush style move tool. The next goal is an effective curve tool based on python states.