Hi there. I'm trying to add some initial rotational/angular velocity into a Vellum Source node, which is emitting some balls every 30 frames. I can add velocity fine (by using a point wrangle at the SOPS level), but nothing rotational. Someone somewhere suggested using the @w attribute (eg: @w = {10, 0, 50}, but this doesn't seem to have any effect?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think You will get any angular velocities out of Vellum. It solves only points positions. If You want them the easiest way would be to use Bullet or build something out with a pop solver.
Ok that makes sense. Is it possible to combine other solvers with Vellum? I seem to remember seeing a tutorial of combining RBD with Vellum, but it was a kind of hack and didn’t achieve genuine 2-way mutual interaction between the two solvers?