optimizing houdini workflow

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polyreduce and autoUV take a while to compute and every time I load the houdini scene file it does just that
so I tried inserting a cache node to no avail
what is the secret sauce, the way to keep the result of nodes in the scene files? and also is there a way to have a node compute on a separate thread? currently every node blocks the interface so I cannot work on another non connected node while that's happening.
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what is the secret sauce, the way to keep the result of nodes in the scene files?

Use a geometry rop, and read the output back in with a file sop, or use the filecache hda which combines those two actions into one node.

and also is there a way to have a node compute on a separate thread? currently every node blocks the interface so I cannot work on another non connected node while that's happening.

You can use the background render option on render nodes, or use pdg (TOPs) to spawn the render process into a background thread. This doesn't make houdini itself behave this way natively, but it gives you the ability to architect your scene to split up the work into parallel processes.
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How do I use a filecache? where do I insert the filecache node?

Could you give me an example of how to switch a render node to background, let's say in the autouv node?
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The geometry rop has a button next to render called ‘render in background’.
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Like Jsmack wrote , Use a File node or File Cache at the end of your tree
Or you can also switch to Manual update instead of Auto in the lower left of the UI
When i've got a file that is crashing instantly saved in Temp , i put the Manual update mode before opening it , it prevent the crash to append…you can do this before opening a file if you don't want to be stuck by a cooking node…or just press Escape on your keyboard to abort cooking …
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Filecache caches each child node individually?
Also when I load the scene after saving it with the added file cache, this still computes everything, nothing was cached. Any settings I should add?

Edited by daslolo - 2019年12月13日 22:54:53

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Hello ,
You should put the file cache between the auto uv and visualize uv. After the operation that is taking time.
Houdini will cook everything that is up to the node you are displaying…

And also learn about the file cache !
First put the correct name you want. Choose between animation and current frame. Press save to disk then check load from disk …
Would be faster to look in the doc or in the forum past post than to wait each time for a reply !
It is workflow optimization too !
Edited by Benjamin Lemoine - 2019年12月14日 03:59:55
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Got it! It works.

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