Hello all
I'm doing a FLIP sim that is a viscous pouring liquid. the pour is in a trail that doesn't double back on itself or anything. It's basically an “emit lava” setup with some modifications because as the pour happens I want the liquid to settle and harden. Is there any way to remove those settled, hardened, stopped particles from the sim so they don't have to be calculated anymore? I can't find anything about this–I think maybe I'm not using the correct terms? is this perhaps already happening? I don't want the particles to be killed or disappear, I just don't want them to be calculated anymore once they've settled.
Remove particles from FLIP sim calculation?
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- Nathan Meier
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- N-G
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You can create an attribute called in order to prevent particles from being advected by POP Solver but other attributes such as temperature or viscosity are still updating during these moments and still need to take into account for the correct result.
If you also delete these particles or somehow ignore them during simulation, simulation can't be simulated properly.
If you also delete these particles or somehow ignore them during simulation, simulation can't be simulated properly.
- Nathan Meier
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