Gouraud Interpolation

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Greetings Side FX folks!

I'm trying to simulate old fashioned Gouraud interpolation as a demonstration for my students.
However, I'm pretty sure the rasterizer, by default, uses bi-linear interpolation to interpolate the normal across the surface before the pixel/fragment shader. Gouraud does things in reverse. It computes the color at each vertex then interpolates the color.

Is there a way I can invoke old fashioned Gouraud shading?
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Hm Just feed that on OLD POINT SOP I have only h 16.5 it works for me
https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/72489/ [www.sidefx.com]

BILIONpatterns25.jpg (394.5 KB)

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Joined: 7月 2005
Sorry srletak76,

I'm afraid I don't understand the reference. What will the old point SOP gain you if the rasterizer is still going to use bi-linear interpolation to distribute the vertex attributes?

Groovy patterns! I don't understand the context, (Bear of little brain ), but very interesting look!
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