HDA "widget-style" parms

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Joined: 3月 2017
Hey guys,

I'm building an HDA with a somewhat complex set of parms and I wonder if there would be a way to group a few parms together to create an uber parm block, so I can duplicate it around for other parms, a little bit like what you can create in pyqt with widgets.
I read about Import blocks a bit, but I don't think they can do what I want.

For example, let's assume that I have a block of parms as follow :
- A toggle
- A label
- A min value
- A max value
- A variation value
- etc.

So now I want a Parm block for let's say “density” and “rotation”, same ui, same behaviour, just different Parm names. I can duplicate manually the parms, but it would be great to have such a “block” to control the overall UI/logic, specially if I want to change the global look and feel later.

I assume this is something that is probably not doable, but maybe there is a way ?

Let me know,

Thanks a lot,

VFX Supervisor @ MPC London
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