Holes Between Instances in Unreal 5

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I created a simple HDA which creates instances and rotates them to 90 degree. All is fine in Houdini but I get holes in Unreal. If I switch off the Transform node I get no holes. Could you check it please?

I attached my HDA.

To reproduce the issue just drag'n'drop the HDA into Unreal and you will see holes.

Houdini Engine 19.0.455
Unreal 5.0.0-1970
Edited by Pavel Geraskin - 2022年2月2日 04:48:36

TestAsset.hda (4.0 KB)
tmp1.png (1.6 MB)
tmp2.png (814.8 KB)
tmp3.png (21.0 KB)
tmp4.png (534.3 KB)

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Joined: 9月 2017
It's an UE4 bug known as scale drifting. Small loss of scale after an instanced mesh gets rotated. My workaround in Houdini is to add a wrangle to scale the points I want to copy geo over by a small amount(like 0.001).
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