The character rig on KineFX has come up well but if I approach on sdding the feature of matching Ik/Fk, have referred the following link: []
According to the tutorial, if I tries to find the path of the node using the code as:
compute = hou.node(f"{hou.pwd().path()}/computerigpose1")
pose = hou.node(f"{hou.pwd().path()}/L_FK_Arm_rigpose")
print (f"{compute} {pose}")
Im getting error as :
return _hou.HDAModule___getattr__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'matchIK'
The version of houdini which I'm using is 18.5.408 but in the video can see version as Houdini 18.5.485. So Is it because of the version?? Someone can please help me to solve this
Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!
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