I'm looking for similar answers regarding more details about current functionality of uproperty attribute.
I have an input curve and need to update some of it's properties, such as "
Visibility", "
Auto-update", etc.
For "
Visibility" is working perfectly by adding/updating a detail integer attribute "unreal_uproperty_
However for "
Auto-update" I've tried various combinations of possible display name but in vain.
Eventually I looked up in the Houdini Engine source code as described
here [
and found a uproperty named "
bCookOnCurveChanged" and applied it as another detail integer attribute "unreal_uproperty_
bCookOnCurveChanged" and still not working.
To summarize these are my discoveries/questions:
1.The "
Auto-update" parameter itself on the GUI doesn't seem to working as well, or just I misunderstanding how it's supposed to work?
2.Is there a solid way to know what uproperties are supported or not?
3.Take "
Visibility" for example, I noticed when changing it's value via the detail attribute doesn't update it's GUI component status.
Thank you for your patience.