What are the uproperty settings for a static mesh?

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In our HDA we are trying to set a bunch of settings on the Static Mesh. We are trying to access these attributes via Houdini. There are 6 settings that we cannot access.

These are Cast Shadow, Enable Collision, Use MikkTSpace Tangent Space, Build Adjacency Buffer, Generate Lightmap UVs, and Distance Field Resolution Scale. Are we able to access these via an Attribute Create or Attribute Wrangle in Houdini?

Our only other option would be to create a Blueprint Class -> Houdini AssetActor and use a python script. Has anyone been able to successfully access these attributes?

@unreal_uproperty_GeneratedDistanceFieldResolutionScale = 0;
setting this is not currently working for us at the moment.

We are using Version 2 of the engine, Houdini version 19.0.455

Edited by GlenD - 2022年5月16日 09:27:41

StaticMesh_SettingsLOD0.png (55.9 KB)

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Fully agree, there are a bunch of parameters which can't be accessed via uproperty. Even with Houdini 19.0.622 UE 5.0.1 HE 2.0.9. Like for example "Static Mesh Type".
Edited by Sergey Filin - 2022年5月25日 07:57:33
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Anyone with any solution to prevent it from Generating Distance Field?

I have version 19.0.622 too
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Continuation from my previous post: I'm using UE5 with Houdini Engine for Unreal. In between tasks, I have tried these settings on Static Meshes and it seems to work for me at the moment. This is with an Attribute Wrangle set to Detail.

@unreal_uproperty_DoubleSidedGeometry = 1;
@unreal_uproperty_GenerateLightmapUVs = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_UseFullPrecisionUVs = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_UseMikkTSpace = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_RecomputeNormals = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_GenerateDistanceField = 1;

f@unreal_uproperty_DistanceFieldResolutionScale = 0.0;

@unreal_uproperty_DoubleSidedGeometry = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_RecomputeTangents = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_ComputeWeightedNormals = 1;
@unreal_uproperty_RemoveDegenerates = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_BuildReversedIndexBuffer = 0;
@unreal_uproperty_UseHighPrecisionTangentBasis = 1;
@unreal_uproperty_UseBackwardsCompatibleF16TruncUVs = 1;

I will post more info here for other settings as well.
Edited by GlenD - 2022年7月26日 07:16:25
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Anyone with any solution to prevent it from Generating Distance Field?
I have version 19.0.622 too

For me using proxy mesh could be a decision, either from plugin settings or override in HDA details.
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I'm looking for similar answers regarding more details about current functionality of uproperty attribute.
I have an input curve and need to update some of it's properties, such as "Visibility", "Auto-update", etc.

For "Visibility" is working perfectly by adding/updating a detail integer attribute "unreal_uproperty_Visible".
However for "Auto-update" I've tried various combinations of possible display name but in vain.
Eventually I looked up in the Houdini Engine source code as described here [www.sidefx.com]

and found a uproperty named "bCookOnCurveChanged" and applied it as another detail integer attribute "unreal_uproperty_bCookOnCurveChanged" and still not working.

To summarize these are my discoveries/questions:
1.The "Auto-update" parameter itself on the GUI doesn't seem to working as well, or just I misunderstanding how it's supposed to work?
2.Is there a solid way to know what uproperties are supported or not?
3.Take "Visibility" for example, I noticed when changing it's value via the detail attribute doesn't update it's GUI component status.

Thank you for your patience.

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A similar issue is Enabling the Replace Previous Bake in the HDA. This attribute seems to be only enabled when I set the Houdini Inputs to Curve using this workflow. https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/88406/ [www.sidefx.com]

It seems Replace Previous Bake enables all the time with the input set to Curve. It sometimes enables with Geometry, Asset and World Outliner Input. Not always consistent.

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