Procedural Displacement & Rest Position

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I'm using an old procedural displacement shader that does not recognize the rest position attribute.

The default “krinkle” and “dented” shaders behave correctly so I'd like to use them as examples and add the appropriate “rest” code to my mis-behaving shader. I have the .vfl file for my problem shader, but cannot locate the .vfl's for “krinkle” or “dented”. Are these (or similar vfl's) archived anywhere?

Or, can anyone provide (very) simple instructions on how to add this functionality?

Thank you.

EDIT: Just realized I can view the source under the “VEX Code” tab after selecting “Type Properties” of the shader. No worries.

And, if anyone's interested…

added declaration (if that's the correct terminology)…

vector rest=0;

and changed the following line…

PP = wo_space(P);


if (isbound (“rest”))
PP = rest;
else PP = wo_space(P);
Floyd Gillis
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