Background: When you already make a selection set in the operator list parameter you cannot add to the node list already set in the parameter by clicking on the button and shift + selecting another node... it completely replaces your already existing node list in the "Pattern" field in the "Operator Bundles window".
Question: I am trying to find a way to have it append if you try to open the Operator Bundles window again or by a python way. Does anyone have any ideas?
Attempts: I have tried using
hou.ui.selectNode(); hou.ui.selectFromTree() #with all nodes possible as my possible choices, but this isn't the same thing.
I've tried having a spare "Operator list" parameter that I will use with a callback to add or subtract from the main operator list parameter in the hda and pressing the button on that parameter with
In the image you can see where I am attempting to shift + select the "after" mantra nodes after a selection has already been made in the null parameter, but it doesn't append.