Possible bug: HoudiniEngine in Maya only outputs one output

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I tried two different HDA's where I set multiple outputs inside Houdini, and get only one in Maya (always just the first output).

I tried to do a test of just outputting two basic mesh objects to see if my calculations are to blame, or it's something else, but always get the same result.

This is what I'm doing in the test:
- setting outputs to polygon mesh sphere and box (1. screenshot),
- Max outputs set to 2 (2. screenshot),
- outputs named under Input/Output (3. screenshot)
- sync, reload in Maya -> get only the first output in Maya. Switching which one is first simply outputs the other one that is then first. See how the hierarchy looks in Maya (4. screenshot).

I tried to reopen both Maya and Houdini, reload, reimport the HDA in case it wasn't loading the correct definition, but no matter how many outputs I set, I always get out just the object that is linked to the first output (#0 output), even if I switch which one is linked in.

This otherwise works perfectly in Unity, what am I doing wrong? Any help greatly appreciated.

assigning_basic_meshes.png (34.6 KB)
max_outputs.png (40.8 KB)
outputs.png (33.6 KB)
maya_outputs.png (6.4 KB)

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This is a current limitation with the Houdini Engine for Maya plugin. To get around this, you can create a group per object and then enable the "Split Geos By Group" option in Maya.
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Joined: 11月 2018
Ahh I see 😄 thanks for the answer! Will implement it like this then 😊
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