how to make a clean curve to sweep a shape cleanly?

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Good morning everyone,
first, sorry for my english.

I need to retrieve curves generated by "tree branch generator node"
I just want to apply a "sweep node" to create a rectangle on each of my curves.

the problem is that the generated rectangles are not aligned at all, they orient in different axes and i can't do anything with that.
can someone help me, explain me how to do so that I can create a clean rectangle for each of my curves and that all the rectangles are oriented on the same axis?

I tried to erase the normals, modify them, but I can't do anything with the curves..
I don't understand curves.

I send you a .hip demo for you to understand well.

Thanks for reading me.

Bests regards
Edited by supermac - 2023年8月18日 13:16:32

test_curve_sweep.hiplc (1.6 MB)

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You can apply orientation along curve and set target up vector to Y-Axis

@edit: in fact you can do the same in the sweep node aswell
Edited by Aizatulin - 2023年8月18日 17:36:48
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thank you for your answer.
i tryed this yesterday and it was not good at all..
today, i try and it's perfect..
I don't know what happens.

thank you for your help.
Have a nice day.

Bests regards.
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